Men’s Matters
Our Men’s program offers support specifically tailored to assist CALD or migrant men.

Men’s Advocacy & Support Program
Men’s Matters is a program that provides culturally tailored support and advocacy designed to incorporate intersections for [CALD] men.
There is an inherent lack of support systems for men in general when facing personal or professional challenges. Which has the propensity to compound and complicate matters.
Men from CALD backgrounds face additional barriers due to migration status, language and stigma. As such can face life changing consequences that may have been preventable.
The aim of our services is to give men a fair chance of setting the stage for improved and healthy relationships across family. Providing timely professional support is key to open opportunities to directly address drivers of Domestic & Family Violence.
Men’s Support & Referral
Our referral and case management services for men are identical to those for women.
We help clients find solutions that are culturally in context to fit their circumstances. With professional support and guidance men can face their challenges with complete confidentiality.
Case management for men covers many aspects:
- Employer related issues
- Recovery of appropriate migration pathways
- Skills recognition and appropriate career pathways
- Family obligations and financial stresses
- Domestic & Family Violence – being a victim or perpetrator.
- Reconnection with children
- Separation and Divorce
- Legal matters – either in court or after conviction
Court Advocacy
One of the most common referral pathways for men to ICSA is through the court system. CALD men in particular experience real disadvantage when they find themselves in the court/legal system.
Whether an alleged perpetrator, victim of crime, or in a family dispute, managing and navigating the legal system is a complex and often harrowing experience.
It can also be a VERY costly experience.
Once in the legal system, one bad or ill-informed decision can have wider ramifications with long lasting and life changing consequences. All of which then impacts on relationships, employment and liberty.
Our court advocacy service assists in navigating legal systems, understand options in context of consequences and circumstances.
We assist clients to get timely, proper legal advice to make informed decisions, towards the best potential outcomes or to minimise as much as possible negative consequences.
We support clients with
- Client Assessment Reports – advocating the clients true circumstances in context.
- Exploring legal options
- Understanding ramifications of legal decisions
- Being prepared for court, tribunal
- Support in court
- Complying with penalties, corrections orders
- Prisoner family support

Cultivating Nourishing Relationships
Healthy relationships take work, however the term healthy can be controversial in CALD communities.
Some consider showing love to be healthy, others see that as unhealthy and undignified. CALD relationships especially those that are by arranged marriage are based on principles of pragmatic procreation, to veer from that can be seen to be extremely unhealthy, even lead to exclusion from family.
At ICSA we believe in building and cultivating nourishing relationships. We consider a range of relationships that influence and impact a person. The outcomes to develop relationships to be free from conflict, abuse and violence.
Generally, men are not given any help on how to manage emotions, behaviour and attitudes, at the same time there are vast obligations and expectations placed upon them.
Such pressure impacts mental health, but again to get assistance would be a sign of weakness or failing.
It is observed some men fall into the trap of legal consequences through poor or rushed decision making while hurting those near to them by perpetrating Domestic and Family Violence.
Our services aim to assist through:
- Domestic & Family Violence Prevention strategies
- Managing family relationships & obligations
- Understanding anger management
- Alcohol & Substance Abuse
- Managing other addictions
- Complying with corrections orders (MBCP)
- Cultural mental health support
- Mentoring
- Debt repayment